Emergency Incident Response

You’ve been hacked? We have local teams across Asia who can help you right now.

What is incident response?

An incident refers to an event or unauthorised activity that compromises the security of computer systems, networks or data. Incident response is a little like digital firefighting.

When a cyber attack or breach occurs, responders step in to contain the attack, identify the threat and extinguish it. As part of incident response, specialists attempt to minimise the impact of the incident by isolating the affected systems, investigating the cause, and restoring normal operations as quickly as possible.

The ultimate goal is to minimise an organisation’s financial loss, protect sensitive information, and maintain the continuity of operations.

What to expect from Blackpanda incident response

We have teams of highly-trained cybersecurity specialists across Asia, and follow a tried-and-tested method when responding to an incident.

Suspected Cyber Incident

Client contacts Blackpanda’s 24/7 notification centre.


Blackpanda acknowledges incident

Blackpanda specialists work with client to collect preliminary information and identify type of incident.


Responders define scope of incident, plan course of action and begin containment.

Contain & Recommend

Blackpanda contains the incident to prevent further damage and provides assessment of data loss and root cause. If needed, Blackpanda will attempt to recover lost data.

Final Report

Report includes recommendations on actions for further remediation and long-term security improvements.

What will I receive?

Clear plan to recovery: An assessment of incident type and scope, as well as a plan of action for containment.

Final report: Report includes recommendations on actions for further remediation and long-term security improvements.

Transparent communication: Our teams are trained in crisis communication and understand how stressful cyber incidents are for victims. We communicate regularly and avoid jargon to ensure you and any stakeholders are always in the loop.

Quick facts: Know your incident types

While cyber risks are numerous and evolving, there are some common attacks that organisations need to be mindful of:

Business email compromise

Fraudsters impersonate legitimate business entities to deceive individuals into transferring funds or revealing sensitive information via email.


Short for malicious software. Designed to infiltrate or damage computer systems, often aiming to disrupt, steal data, or gain unauthorised access.


Often making headlines in the news, ransomware is malware that encrypts files or locks computer systems, demanding a ransom payment in exchange for restoring access.

Data breach

Unauthorised access to and exposure of sensitive information, either of internal organisational data or of third parties such as customers, clients and vendors.

Insider threat

The unauthorised access to and use of systems and data by an employee or contractor, often made possible by lax access protocols.

Third party vendor breach

An attack where a breach of a third-party can cause business disruption or financial loss.

Further reading

Head over to our blog to learn more about incident response and other cybersecurity topics.

What makes Blackpanda different


We are proudly local to many key Asian cities, with local language capabilities and fast response times.


We are dedicated to being the leading experts in incident response and digital forensics in Asia.


We build innovative tools and processes that produce better outcomes for clients and partners.

Ready to defend your business?

Blackpanda is committed to helping regional businesses strengthen their cyber resilience and secure their digital operations. Speak to us to find out how we can help your organisation.